Educate; Create; Witness: Christ at the Centre
The Catholic life of our school is central to all we do at St. Cuthbert’s and we live out our mission statement every day, striving to
EDUCATE each other
CREATE community
WITNESS the Gospel values in all we say and do
All underpinned by putting CHRIST AT THE CENTRE of all we do
We strongly believe that children leaving our school must be well equipped for their future- having accessed a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which has enabled them to learn more and remember more. All learners, including the most disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND, are provided with the knowledge, skills and cultural capital they require for future learning
and employment.
Basic skills teaching is fundamental to improving the life chances of all pupils.
Early year’s provision follows the EYFS, and the interpretation of this provides a sensitive balance of child initiated and adult-led learning using continuous play and small group activities.
Throughout Key Stage 1 and 2, pupils receive a broad and rich curriculum, taught primarily as discrete subjects or through combining subjects when this is appropriate.
The curriculum is mapped to demonstrate the component knowledge and techniques needed to retain (residual knowledge), sequenced coherently to support the acquisition of key concepts. Components are repeated over time, ensuring all pupils practise retrieval.
A language-rich environment is provided, in relation to the different tiers of vocabulary, explicit teaching of the word in context is essential.
A rigorous approach to the teaching of reading develops learners’ confidence and enjoyment. Reading materials will be closely matched to learners’ phonics knowledge.
Individual subject disciplines are explicitly taught ensuring pupils become experts.
Teachers are ambitious for their learners and create an environment focused on learning. Enrichment opportunities, including experiences, visits and visitors are central to our vision and ensure that learning connects to purpose, context and real-life application.
We aim to ensure that the fundamental skills of reading, writing and number are well established from an early age and academic rigour stretches and challenges as appropriate to each pupil and phase
A love of reading, for pleasure and academic excellence is rooted in our school with a priority focus on the mastery of grammar, spelling (including phonics) and vocabulary to ensure
accuracy of writing
We aim to honour and maintain the vision and ideals of the founders of our school, who, inspired by their love of Christ, established in the community a centre of learning based upon the teachings of Christ.
We aim to educate each other, create community and witness to Christian values.
Our School Aims
Our school aims are as follows. They are not placed in order of importance:
- St. Cuthbert’s is a Catholic school and we will provide all that is necessary for our children to develop their love for each other and the world in true Catholic tradition.
- We aim to provide a welcoming environment and opportunities for children to become independent and active participants in their own learning.
- We will have high expectations of our children and ensure that they reach their full academic and social potential.
- We aim to provide a rich and balance curriculum that is well planned and effective in meeting the needs of all our children.
- We will encourage children to become self disciplined and responsible and to nurture their awareness, respect and understanding of other people and the shared environment.
- We recognise the importance of literacy and numeracy as the key components supporting the full curriculum and we will work towards high standards in all subjects.
- We will monitor and evaluate the progress of each child, setting challenging targets based on individual needs and involving pupils and parents in the process.
- We aim to make children aware that they live in a multi cultural community, from which they benefit and to which they contribute.
- We aim to provide opportunities for all children to excel irrespective of race, class, gender, religion, culture or physical ability.
- We will constantly monitor and evaluate the quality of our teaching to ensure that we provide an excellent education for our children.
- We aim to create a successful working partnership where all those involved in the school community work together in a spirit of cooperation.
- We will aim to provide children with experience beyond the school environment which will enhance their learning.